Troubleshooting Bobcat Miner 300 with Bobcat Diagnoser


Bobcat Diagnoser is a troubleshooting tool for Bobcat Miner 300 that helps identify and solve common issues. Some common errors and solutions will be discussed in this post.

Error: “Onboarding Key Not Found This Time…”

Troubleshooting Bobcat Miner 300 with Bobcat Diagnoser

Points to: Docker’s Onboarding API Key

Why does this error happen?

This happens when the Bobcat 300 miner’s Docker is unable to read the correct onboarding API key. This can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes losing power or internet connection during an OTA can cause a miner’s Docker to crash resulting in an onboarding error. This can also mean that the miner has not yet been added to the blockchain via the Bobber App. 

What You Can Try
1. First Try Reboot
2. Then Try Reset
3. If the error persists, submit a ticket to Bobber Support for investigation.

Error:  ”status”: “Down” & “status”: “Error”

"status": "Down",
"gap": "-",
"miner_height": "command",
"blockchain_height": "1143562",
"epoch": "Error:"


 "status": "Error",
 "gap": "-",
 "miner_height": "-",
 "blockchain_height": "1150030",
 "epoch": "-",
  "tip": " Error response from daemon: Container 49dd5fae6f3094e240e9aa339947bc9f6336d5f997c495a37696095fc306f3d1 is restarting, wait until the container is running exit status 1"


Points to: Miner’s Docker Container

Why does this error happen? 

This can happen if your miner’s Docker crashes. Sometimes losing power or internet connection during an OTA can cause a miner’s Docker to crash. This can typically be fixed with a reboot or a reset.

What You Can Try
1. First Try Reboot
2. Then Try Reset
3. If the error persists, submit a ticket to Bobber Support for investigation.

Error: “Height API Error (gap:-) 🌡 37 °C”

Troubleshooting Bobcat Miner 300 with Bobcat Diagnoser

Points to: Miner’s Docker Container

Why does this error happen?

Sometimes losing power or internet connection during an OTA can cause a miner’s Docker to crash resulting in an onboarding error. This crash can manifest itself in the miner not being able to access the correct API.

What You Can Try
1. First Try Reboot
2. Then Try Reset
3. If the error persists, submit a ticket to Bobber Support for investigation.

Read more: Switching APIs With Bobber App

Error: Your miner shows no Proof of Coverage activity or no Witnessing activity.

Points to: Possible issues with the miner’s Docker container, antenna setup, RF noise issues, miner is not onboarded, and many more.

What You Can Try
1. Verify the miner has been onboarded using the Bobber App
2. Verify the miner is deployed in the appropriate region or it will not operate
3. Try Reboot
4. Try Reset
5. Ensure there are other miners nearby within antenna range
6. Ensure the antenna being used is suitable for the topology and location of the miner
7. Move the miner to the DMZ in your router settings to eliminate firewall issues
8. Check with your ISP to determine if they have traffic filtering upstream which is blocking Helium activity
9. If your miner operates on EU868 frequency, consider installing a filter to eliminate RF noise
10. If the issue persists, submit a ticket to Bobber Support for investigation.
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