How Do I Connect My Bobcat Miner 300 to WIFI? Full Guide

How Do I Connect My Bobcat Miner 300 to WIFI? Full Guide

You can learn how to set up your Bobcat Miner 300 to connect to WiFi in this post, as well as how to reconnect it to an old WiFi.

How to Connect My Bobcat Miner 300 to WIFI?

We have a Bobcat Miner 300 in our situation. It’s the first option, and it will now give you some advice on where to put your hotspot. To begin with, you should check that your miner is, if at all possible, near the window. One of the factors for a better connection is undoubtedly the plain and open side. Furthermore, you should not keep it hidden in a cabinet or under your bed.

Any structure could obstruct the signals’ path, connection, and ability to connect with other hotspots or miners, as well as block their communication. Last but not least, these miners really detest metal mesh and bug screens, so we definitely want to stay away from them. You want to select I understand the next option, which will prompt you to select whether or not you have powered your unit. If you want to proceed to the Bluetooth connection option, make sure to power on your device first. The pin that is contained in the earlier-mentioned package should now be removed. Stay with the second Port, please.

Hold onto the unit for five to ten seconds until you notice the blue light is on. That indicates that Bluetooth mode is active. For pairing or diagnostics only, use this mode. When you’re finished, simply select Scan for my Hotspot. To find this Bobcat Miner, this will essentially scan your network.

Within a few seconds of the scan, you should be able to see your Bobcat Miner 300 when the Bluetooth mode on a Bobcat 300 is activated. Simply select this option, and the device will be linked to your Helium app. The next step is WiFi configuration at this point. Simply choose the WiFi you want to use is all that is required. Unless you prefer using an Ethernet cable over WiFi, in which case you should select the option at the bottom that reads “Use Ethernet instead.”

If WiFi is what you want, just select your local network from the list, and it will show you connecting in a few seconds. Last but not least, we want to set the hotspot location. To do this, click Ask for Permission and confirm that you want to give the Helium app access to your location. Two different pins will then appear. White for one and light purple for the other. Then, until the two paints are in harmony, drag this white paint around and bring it up against the purple one.

Click the Set Location button when you’re finished, and you should be good to go. Antenna setup will be the final step in this process. The default will display the Bobcat Miner 300, and the default antenna will once more be for DBI. You don’t need to take any action. Your height is what you should type.

How Do I Connect My Bobcat Miner 300 to WIFI? Full Guide

Bobcat Miner 300 WiFi Configuration

By using the gadget’s BLE services, the Helium Hotspot offers a WiFi configuration interface. The following are instructions for how to configure a Hotspot’s WiFi.

Connecting to the Hotspot over Bluetooth Low Energy​

  1. The BLE advertising will start after you press the black button on the Hotspot’s side once and wait a few seconds. When it is accessible, you will notice a blue LED turning on atop the Hotspot.
  2. Scan for connectable devices.
  3. Connect to the hotspot of interest using the following name format and UUID in its advertising payload. Name: Helium Hotspot #### UUID: 0fda92b2-44a2-4af2-84f5-fa682baa2b8d
  4. Discover Services.

Check If Hotspot is Already Connected to WiFi​

  1. Read Value from: Service UUID: 0fda92b2-44a2-4af2-84f5-fa682baa2b8d Characteristic – WiFiSSID UUID: 7731de63-bc6a-4100-8ab1-89b2356b038b
  2. If the string value is not empty, it is connected to that WiFi SSID at the moment. If the string value is empty, there is no WiFi connection.
  3. Proceed if it’s not connected or if you want to switch networks.

Enable Notifications for WiFiSSID Characteristic Value Update**​

  1. Enable Notifications for: Service UUID: 0fda92b2-44a2-4af2-84f5-fa682baa2b8d Characteristic – WiFiSSID UUID: 7731de63-bc6a-4100-8ab1-89b2356b038b

Scan for WiFi Networks​

  1. Read Value from: Service UUID: 0fda92b2-44a2-4af2-84f5-fa682baa2b8d Characteristic -WiFiServices UUID: d7515033-7e7b-45be-803f-c8737b171a29
  2. The binary value should be deserialized and then entered into the WiFi Services Protocol Buffers message described in the BLE Services Docs. You’ll be provided with a list of the available WiFi SSID string names.

Set Credentials for WiFi Network​

  1. Set the credentials by entering the SSID string from the scan and the password string you provided.
    1. Serialize your WiFi Connect Protocol Buffer message (the BLE Services Sheet defines this term).
    2. Write serialized Value to Service UUID: 0fda92b2-44a2-4af2-84f5-fa682baa2b8d Characteristic – WiFiConnect UUID: 398168aa-0111-4ec0-b1fa-171671270608

Wait for WiFiSSID Notification to Trigger​

This indicates a successful WiFi connection when the notification is triggered. Repeat step two to confirm that the WiFi SSID name is correct.

Switching from WiFi to Ethernet

Connect the Ethernet cable to the port on the Hotspot and your router with the other end to change the internet connection on your Hotspot from WiFi to Ethernet. After that, restart your hotspot, and it will switch over to using Ethernet on its own.

Read more: How to Reset Bobcat Miner 300: Step-by-step Guide

How Do I Forget the Wi-Fi Profile on My Bobcat Miner 300?

You will need to remove and forget the current Wi-Fi if you connected via Wi-Fi first, then connected the Ethernet cable for a reliable connection and want the Bobcatt miner 300 to only work via Ethernet.

Complete the following steps after unplugging your Ethernet cable. Once you’re done, you can reconnect the Ethernet cable.

  1. Open Helium App
  2. Pair your Hotspot by pressing the button on the back of the device for 5-6 seconds
  3. Select Wi-Fi Network
  4. Choose a new Wi-Fi
  5. You’ll be prompted to “Forget Network”
  6. Then select back
  7. Plug your Ethernet cable back in


To connect your Bobcat Miner 300 to WiFi, follow the instructions in the tutorial up top. Are you interested in learning more about how to start helium mining with a Bobcat miner 300? To receive more information, subscribe to our website.


How Do I Connect My Helium Hotspot to My New Wi-Fi?

After finishing, you can reconnect the Ethernet cable.

  1. Open Helium App.
  2. Pair your Hotspot by pressing the button on the back of the device for 5-6 seconds.
  3. Select Wi-Fi Network.
  4. Choose a new Wi-Fi.
  5. You’ll be prompted to “Forget Network”
  6. Then select back.
  7. Reinsert the Ethernet cable.

Does the Bobcat Miner 300 Need Wi-Fi?

The bobcat helium miner can also be connected with Ethernet Port, just in case you want to run your unit with the Ethernet rather than WiFi.

How Much Wi-Fi Does a Bobcat Miner 300 Use?

What monthly data usage does a Helium hotspot/miner have? Roughly 250Gb. The equivalent of watching a movie or two on Netflix per day. approximately 5–20Kbps continuously.

Is Bobcat Miner 300 a Hotspot?

The Bobcat Miner 300 is a high-efficiency miner hotspot for the HNT (Helium) coin. The Helium project creates a mesh network for outside devices by linking individual hotspots with a LoRaWAN antenna.

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